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  • Writer's pictureJessica Gauger

Why You Weren't Created To Do It All

In our American society we praise "busy" as if it were an accomplished character trait. We huff and puff when people ask how we are, and we squeeze out a brief, "I'm makin' it!" as we run off to the next thing. The 40 hour work week seems to be a thing of the past and bringing our work home with us for evening "rest time" has become an applauded norm. We find a false peace in saying this season's busy will soon pass. But does it? Or does it just set you up to believe you can take on more, do more, accomplish more, and ultimately feel like you are more.

Friends, I really think we are believing a lie.

In C.S. Lewis' book "The Screwtape Letters", the demons talk about this. They admit that they cannot keep Christians from their church or from reading their Bibles and knowing truth. They state that they cannot keep them from an intimate relationship with their Savior once the connection with Jesus has been made. They confess that their power over us as believers is indeed broken. So they make a plan.

“So let them go to their churches; let them have their covered dish dinners,

BUT steal their time, so they don’t have time to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ.”

“This is what I want you to do,” said the devil:

“Distract them from gaining hold of their Savior and maintaining that vital connection throughout their day!”

“How shall we do this?” his demons shouted.

“Keep them busy in the nonessentials of life and invent innumerable schemes to occupy their minds,” he answered. (C.S Lewis, Screwtape Letters)

Isn't that chilling to the core? Our minds are so preoccupied. The to-do lists, the magazines that cover our tables, the news that is available 24/7, the music in the background of every store, social media, co-workers, family opinions, the mirror, the scale, our kids needs, and our husbands wants!! Do you hear the crescendo? There is so much noise in our lives, we are drowning out the still small voice of our Almighty God. The enemy cannot destroy us, this he knows, but oh my word, has he achieved at distracting us with busy.

Even as you read this, your mind has wondered to the next thing. And you aren't alone. I think the pandemic that has hit our country long before Covid-19 is the "art of busy".

Did you know that the 40-hour workweek was created during a time when strict gender roles still applied? This meant, for the most part, men were bringing home the hog and the women were frying it. The women were home 7 days a week and took care of the home. The attitude toward women working has changed drastically; but now it seems the typical family would need a 3rd body to be taking care of the home.

You may be reading this and thinking, Jessica, I have no choice. I have to work, I have to take care of these kids, we have to eat, and I have this and that commitment. Friend, I hear you and I see you. But, I wonder if you took an inventory of every minute of your day, if you couldn't find some handful of time that you could lay down. A fist full of time that you could release and give back to the Lord by obeying His commandment to rest. I wonder if you could imagine your life to be a little fuller by having a calendar that may seem a little more empty.

Gods call to rest

We know God wants us to give Him our first and our best with our finances. A lot of us interpret this as our first 10% of our paychecks. But, God doesn't need our money, He wants our hearts. What if, in addition to our money, we gave God our first and our best of our time. What if we sat down and rested in His truth, listened for His voice, praised Him with our worship at the start of our days?

When we have too much on our plate, it is physically impossible to give God our time. We don’t have any left for Him.

About 3 years ago I was in a place of overcommitment. We had just moved back to Jacksonville and I was eager to get plugged in. I had a long work commute, disciple group, volunteering with students at church, and training for a marathon. Not to mention the obvious home, wife, and work duties.

On a perfect week I was fine. When nothing bounced out of order my hormones remained quite calm. However, one false move from anything or anyone and it was tears.

Our church was having beach baptisms and they had asked the Student Leaders to volunteer. No biggie, sure, ok. I arrived, fatigued, and desperate for rest but a smile on my face. I was told that I had parked in the wrong spot but no big deal, they could shuttle me to where I needed to be.

This was all it took. One false move and I was about to crash. I lied and said I needed to grab something from my car. Then, I very maturely ran away. Well, I drove away, from my commitment. I called my husband hyperventilating, I just couldn’t do it anymore. I needed a break. But from what?

Over the course of the following week I looked at my calendar. I recognized the things God had called me to and the things that I thoroughly enjoyed. I made space for mishaps and traffic jams. I made space for the people I love the most. And I made space to hear the Holy Spirit louder than any other noise vying for my attention.

I didn’t realize it then, but by saying "yes" to that one more thing, I was simultaneously saying "no" to every other thing.

Friends we have to be careful with our “yes’.” Even the yes' that seem to be good! Just because its good doesn’t mean it is necessarily good for you.

Saying yes to that early morning commute phone call may be saying no to worship. Saying yes to that nail appointment may be saying no to coffee with a cherished friend. Saying yes to a clean home and dinner prepared may be saying no to your fatigue and overall well being today. Saying yes to volunteer at church or in your community may be saying no to your own kids who are craving mommy’s attention. Saying yes to scrolling through social media, may be saying no to the real mental rest you need. You get the picture.

Do you see what I mean? None of these options are bad options! But, they are worth taking a moment to consider. Consider the callings God has put on your life and the "yes" He wants you to say for today.

We were not created to do it all or be it all. We can’t. And even if we try, we won’t. So let’s breathe out the things we can lay down today. Let’s hold tight to the things we were created for and trust Jesus to revive our spirits to accomplish all that He has called us to!

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Mrs. Lydia doing the thing God has called her to.

There is nothing more beautiful than the peace a woman

oozes when she is listening to God for her "yes."

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