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The Right Time to Try Something New

Writer's picture: Jessica GaugerJessica Gauger

We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. - Ephesians 2:10

I have the simplest pair of earrings that remind me of this verse. They are a straight line shining across my earlobes. The line represents the path God has for me. As I looked in the mirror one day last week, my tired eyes were thankful for the tad of shimmer they added to my face. I slowed as I stared at them, washing my hands longer than necessary as a way of stealing a moment for myself to just breathe. This path I'm on... is it leading me into a deeper intimacy with my maker? Or, am I currently making laps frantically and not getting anywhere fast?

The day was a normal one; tantrums about breakfast plates, a rushed morning devotional read to the kids in an attempt to feed my own hungry soul, hugs before I had to go to work, coffee left on the dryer, and a few moments in the car to set my heart on the calling of work God gave to me. I walk in the door, rush to the bathroom, because moms don't pee at home, and I'm halted by this thought again before I even begin my work day. What is this path I'm on? What is my purpose? What good works am I doing? What am I missing in the whirlwind of rush to speedily get it all done?

I remembered a season years ago where anxiety plagued me and my to-do list daunted me. And the healer of my heart reached down and showed me how-to invite Him into my minutes. I began to pause and pray each and everyday, without making plans first. Actually, without letting my feet hit the ground.

I'd pray, "God, this is your day. I just get to walk in it. What would you have me do today? (pause, listen). Who would you have me love today? (pause, listen). God help me to prioritize the things that matter and place on hold the things that don't. God, give me flexibility and wisdom to allow and even invite Holy interruptions. Amen."

This simple pause and change of thinking led me from a season of anxiety to a season of peace in the busy. Purpose in the frantic. Mindfulness during mundane tasks. What's different now? We have moved states and have two kids since that season, but the God that met me then, meets me now.

In this moment, in the mirror, I see a part-time working, full time momma and wife who tends to be a perfectionist in many ways. I get to be home with my boys more days than not, yet, I often do feel the yucky overwhelm creeping into my soul. So, I'm trying something new.

Here's what I'm about to do. I am going back to the season where inviting God into my moments brought me peace. In that season, without my beautiful wild boys, doing this first thing in the morning was perfect, and enough. But, today, I'm more forgetful and lets face it, I am WAY more busy. So, instead of 1x a day at a specific time, I am going to acknowledge the many moments of transitions throughout the day.

For example:

Wiping the counter after breakfast - pray "God help me see my boys needs and desires. Help me to fill their love tank as a reflection of you."

Driving home from work - pray "God help me leave work at work, phone down and eyes peeled to the gift of home and family."

Filling up the bathtub - pray "God help Judah in (name a struggle he's dealing with). And, help me to guide him."

Nursing - pray "Lord give Zekie a life of laughter, joy, and courage."

You get it. The transition period is fleeting. But, it is a moment in time when one thing is done, and a door is opening to another.

As a mom, I can't think of a day as a whole, I have to chunk it. ..... SO each chunk, pick something that signifies this part of the day is over and now this part is beginning, use that transition time to prompt prayer. Whenever the door closes on the thing that is done, I am going to work hard to train my mind to prayerfully consider the next. Maybe for you, you can divide the day in half. Over lunch, you can recount your morning and the purposefulness of your actions and words. Prayerfully consider the way you can invite God into the next chunk.

Join me friends, I dare us to see the difference.

The Holy Spirit is within you. He invites us to use Him. Acknowledging God within us, is wisdom. And allowing His Spirit to pour out of us throughout each day, is living proof for the world to believe.

Love always,


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I Will

I Will

1 Comment

Jun 26, 2023

I love this! What a great encouragement! Awhile ago I would try to pray every time I nursed my babe, but have since fallen out of it. Definitely going to attempt again!

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