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Settle Down

Writer's picture: Jessica GaugerJessica Gauger

"Settle down Jessie!" I can still here my Pappy's voice telling me to settle down before I even finished explaining all that had happened. Honestly, it frustrated me. I've always been high strung and easily moved in one of two directions on the emotional scale. But, my pap knew then, what I understand now. I can't figure anything out until I settle down. And quite literally, until I set it all down.

I love the raw clarity of the Message version of the Bible. Listen to these words.

Isaiah 30:15-17 MSG

GOD, the Master, The Holy of Israel, has this solemn counsel: “Your salvation requires you to turn back to me and stop your silly efforts to save yourselves. Your strength will come from settling down in complete dependence on me— The very thing you’ve been unwilling to do. You’ve said, ‘Nothing doing! We’ll rush off on horseback!’ You’ll rush off, all right! Just not far enough! You’ve said, ‘We’ll ride off on fast horses!’ Do you think your pursuers ride old nags? Think again: A thousand of you will scatter before one attacker. Before a mere five you’ll all run off. There’ll be nothing left of you— a flagpole on a hill with no flag, a signpost on a roadside with the sign torn off.”

We run around like wild chickens with no place to rest our heads. We don't listen to our bodies and we are frantic in our hurried mess. I was talking with a dear friend the other day and she said "Jessica, I am really just struggling with balance. Balance of work demands, family needs, dating challenges, and all of the things life has thrown at me." She isn't alone. Far from it. But, would she believe me if I told her the next step to getting it all done and truly finding balance would be to take a moment to stop? Take a moment to do nothing. To lay it all down right where it is and put her dang feet up. I'm not promoting laziness by any means. But, would you believe me if I told you that settling down is the key to rising up?

The scripture breathes God's actual words to us. "Your salvation requires you to turn back to me and STOP your silly efforts..." Literally turn around and STOP. All of our rushing around to get it all done and be everything to everyone will never truly come to an end. The busy season will just bleed into the next one and the enemy of our lives will by no means carve out a break for us. It is an act of obedience to rest. It is a sometimes forced habit to lift our eyes and fix them back on God. It is a surrender to our own control to stop.

What would it look like to "settle down" in complete dependence on God?

Dishes left in the sink overnight? Online shopping taking a hiatus? Asking for help or defying the need to be perfect?

What if instead of seeking a balanced life, we began seeking a God-led life?

Somedays this may literally look like getting everything done! Listening to worship music while you mop, chatting with your mom while you fold laundry, and having dinner on the table when your hubby gets home from work. Then, on other days, it may look like leaving the to-do list in shambles to cook a friend a meal, tending to a tantruming toddler, or making your home a haven for a hurting heart. It may look like taking a nap while your kids nap or allowing them to watch a movie in the middle of the day just so that you can have some much needed quiet time. Both the "get it all done" and the "just get through" days are excellent and beautiful if they are God-led.

There is strength in settling down. Wisdom is seen most in women who are peacefully living their lives trusting God to care for their needs instead of rushing around frenzied. When was the last time you began your morning with hands surrendered and a heart ready, asking God, "What do you want for me and from me today?"

I've said it before, but my overwhelmed feeling is a warning signal for me. I need to settle down. I have to put something down. And I have to do it now. Here are the steps I take to literally "settle down" so that I can clearly hear what God has for me in the day ahead.

1. Write it out and cross it off

Write out your to-do list. Add everything as detailed as you can be. Then, before you begin, cross off things that are not necessary for today. Add calls to friends and time to put your feet up. There are days that physical rest needs to be as non-negotiable as eating!

2. Limit your time

Whether you have all day or 30 minutes, limit your time spent on tasks. Judah is a phenomenal napper and I know I am blessed with that (Let's just insert here that he is a terrible night time sleeper, so there's that). If he is assumed to nap for 2 hours, I take 30 minutes of that for myself. I refuel. I workout, I eat, I read, or I stare at a wall! Whatever I need. Then, I tackle my list. Refueled and rejuvenated. Some people may prefer to take the last 30 minutes, once their chores are done! I have found that those last 30 minutes are never a guarantee, so that doesn't work for me in this season.

3. Multitask for your good

I love to read. But, toddler life makes finding time to sit and read hard. So, I have been listening to audiobooks! Your local library may have a free app! Or, Audiobooks App is only $8/month. So, while I wash dishes, fold laundry, vacuum, or cook dinner, I listen to a good book! Some people may enjoy a good podcast or music playlist. I'll list some favorite podcasts at the bottom of this post. This is where rest can meet busy and collide into something life giving.

4. Carve out time for Christ

Make this as nonnegotiable as brushing your teeth. And, I know it's hard. But, 5 minutes with the God of the Universe who created time and space is worth it. The One who gives you breath will breathe His life into your tired and overwhelmed soul. Taking a moment to literally "settle down" in Him will never come back void.


When we settle down we can rise up to be all God has called us to be for today. Lay down a balanced life for a God-led life and you will most definitely find peace and energy for the moments. Turning back to Christ is our way forward my sweet friends.

What does this look like for you today?

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I truly love and cherish you!



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