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Manna for the Day

Writer's picture: Jessica GaugerJessica Gauger

Updated: Jul 1, 2022

God said to Moses, “I’m going to rain bread down from the skies for you. The people will go out and gather each day’s ration. I’m going to test them to see if they’ll live according to my teaching or not. On the sixth day, when they prepare what they have gathered, it will turn out to be twice as much as their daily ration.” (Exodus 16:4-5 (MSG))

That evening quail flew in and covered the camp and in the morning there was a layer of dew all over the camp. When the layer of dew had lifted, there on the wilderness ground was a fine flaky something, fine as frost on the ground. The Israelites took one look and said to one another, man-hu (What is it?). They had no idea what it was. So Moses told them, “It’s the bread God has given you to eat. And these are God’s instructions: ‘Gather enough for each person, about two quarts per person; gather enough for everyone in your tent.’”

The People of Israel went to work and started gathering, some more, some less, but when they measured out what they had gathered, those who gathered more had no extra and those who gathered less weren’t short—each person had gathered as much as was needed.

Moses said to them, “Don’t leave any of it until morning.” But they didn’t listen to Moses. A few of the men kept back some of it until morning. It got wormy and smelled bad. And Moses lost his temper with them. (Exodus 16:13-20 (MSG))


It's 9pm and I finally plop down on the couch to enjoy a glass of red wine and a square of dark chocolate. The dishes are washed, the laundry done, fed and clean sleepy boys are in bed. I look at my husband and strive hard to come up with a conversation or two as I try to pretend I am energized for our alone time together. But, he knows me and escorts me sweetly to bed. So often, we get to the end of our days without an ounce left. And sometimes, that truly is ok. I know that I can give it my all today, because Jesus will renew and replenish me for tomorrow.

God's chosen people had just escaped from the grip of the Egyptians and now they were traveling to their promised land. On their journey, God cared for their basic needs in miraculous ways. Miles and miles were traversed, yet no sandle was worn down. Water came from rocks. Quail came from the skies and manna appeared on the ground each morning.

God warned the Israelites to only gather what each person needed for the day. There should be no leftovers reserved for tomorrow, because tomorrow, He would provide more. With the exception of the 6th day, where they were instructed to gather 2x the allotted amount, so that they could rest on the 7th day and gathering wouldn't be necessary.

What a trust exercise huh?! Only take what you need for this day. For this day you will have all you need, and tomorrow will take care of itself. As a planner, I know I would have been tempted to take a little extra to make sure my family was fed tomorrow.

We live in a society where saving for retirement begins in our 20's and our calendar is filled out and full through next month. We strive to leave no room for error as our savings accounts grow and our closets are filled with tons of "Well I don't want to get rid of that extra one- just in cases". We plan, we prepare and look forward. And in our country, this well planned and prepared life is applauded.

Don't get me wrong, these aren't all bad ideas. It's wise to save and it makes sense to have a plan for tomorrow. But there are some things that God gives us just enough of for today, so that we need to seek Him again tomorrow.


The thing we don't deserve. Forgiveness and even favor in our lives that we did nothing to earn. Scripture says that God's grace is sufficient for us. So, nothing you've done yesterday, today, or will do tomorrow is too big or too bad for His love to break through. it doesn't run out when you get to mistake number 50,000 today. it doesn't quit on you when you lose your cool with your kiddos, co-worker, or husband. its renewed everyday and as sure as the rising sun. Truly receiving this gift of grace is always the first step in giving it to others. Like the fresh manna covering the ground each morning, is a bowl full of fresh grace for your day. One for you to receive and another to give. Aim to be unassuming. Aim to think the best of others. Aim to think of their thing as bigger and harder than your thing.


In 2019, I spent about a month in Africa with an amazing organization called Hope Speaks. We provided speech therapy for many adults and children Nansana, Uganda. One of the beautiful lessons Jesus taught me while there was this: Rest comes from God, not from sleep alone. See, I had a bunk mate that snored. Like, the loudest snoring I have ever experienced. Shaking, thunderous, train station snoring. (I am sooo sorry if you, my snoring bunkmate, ever happen upon this blog. You are precious and I am sooo grateful to have met you! But, because of your snoring, I learned a life lesson.)

Each night I got very little sleep even with a sweet friend allowing me to borrow her noise canceling headphones. Our days were full of therapy session after session provided in the African heat and often direct sun. By 12pm, I would feel like I had run a marathon and we still had more than half of a days work to go. So, I'd pray. "Jesus renew my energy. This is where I tap out and tap in. You can flex here. You aren't tired like I am. These people of yours are amazing and these children are beautiful. So, Jesus give me more energy so that I can finish the day well." And friends let me tell you, He did just that! Every. single. time. This lesson learned then would become a priceless reminder during my first year being a mom. The nights were so long that I often struggled with worry about how I would possibly be able to function tomorrow. I recalled how Jesus alone became my energy in Uganda and would renew me in the same way as a new mom.

Jesus is the source of our energy. He created food and sleep to renew us! But even when those are limited, we can lean deep into the creator of those things for a renewal that's truly miraculous if you think about it. He won't give you enough energy for tomorrow, or even enough for the rest of the day. But, moment by moment, you can trust Him to renew you.


Gosh guys, this one gets me. I know my days are numbered. I know this time with my boys just like they are is limited. I know that this moment will never be repeated and I can't add hours to my day. The thing we never ever have enough of it seems.

My grandfather passed when I was in college. We had the sweetest relationship and I was his favorite grandchild (all of my 9 cousins are men and they won't read this, so it's cool). But, Jesus could have given me 50 more years with my Pap and it wouldn't have been enough for me. Time is like that, so we daily have to choose to surrender it to God.

God will never give us more time in the day. Well, there was that one time he extended the light of day for the Israelites to have enough time to defeat their enemies, but it isn't something He does on the regular. (Cool story! Check it out in Joshua 10:12-15). What God will do though, is give us just enough. Just enough grace, just enough energy, and just enough time.


If you feel in over your head and totally overwhelmed, it may be a red flag for you to look at how you are spending your time and energy in the day. When we overexert ourselves, we can say buh-bye to any ability to have grace on ourselves and others. Is there an activity you can cut out? Are you spending yourself trying to make sure your kids are involved in every activity possible? What is something you have committed yourself to that God has truly not asked you to? Use your phone's activity tracker to assess how you are spending your social time. Set timers on your phone for apps that seem to pull you into a time warp hole of scrolling.

Manna for the day my sisters. Jesus will give us just enough for the day. And tomorrow, he is so gracious that He will do it again.

Love always,


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