I like lists. I enjoy sitting down and writing out a monthly to-do list. There's something that happens when I take life expectations and put them down on a pretty piece of paper in an orderly fashion. Like a laying down of something heavy. I order my to-do's decreasing in necessity. Often, I will make sub-categories for these lists so that I have a visual of my accomplishments AKA I enjoy checking off little things. Maybe I never really left school and this is my way of receiving a grown up report card. Month with all check marks? Let me tell you, that list "accidentally" stays on the fridge well into the next month. I am proud! I am good! I am rocking motherhood and all things life! Matter of fact, May was A+ month so I created June's to-do list right below it, so that I could could gaze at my accomplishments all month. Ha, how I wish this wasn't true! I think I will take it down now.
I enjoy other lists too. I'm a type A planner. I write out our meals for the week and create our grocery list around it (I highly recommend this if you are on a budget). I write out work lists so that when I'm at work, I am my most productive version of myself. Sometime I write out my workout plan and I have a list of books I'll read this year. When you mess with me, and ask me to spontaneously "go for a run" or tell me "Jessica, you have to read this book" I smile because I love you (You know who you list changers are!) and I have grown in flexibility because life with Jesus brings freedom, BUT, let me tell you, it takes mental work for me to re-order my life again. But, I'm 99% of the time so glad I did.
I wonder if you can relate, or if you lean towards spontaneity with less plans. I wonder if you prepare for the day as if you have any control, or you take the day as it comes? I envy the latter of you. I really do. But, it isn't how God wired me, and that is ok! It's actually more than ok, it is beautiful! But, something happens when you add God to this list making life equation. My pastor says, "God isn't at the top of your list, he is the paper in which you write your list on." So, before I sit down to write my lists, I pray. This is a new act of obedience for me and it feels a little funny if I'm being honest. This month, when I sat to write my to-do list this is what I got...
organize Judah's shoes/clothes
organize pantry (You guys, I had already done this right before writing this list. I just wanted to check something off.)
Did you catch that 3rd one? Rest?! Two mildly productive things and...rest!? Now surely I could be able to later go back and add to this. But, every time I go to grab that list, Jesus reminds me to rest! What is that? Jesus wants me to prioritize rest this month. Something I never would of done had I not invited him into my plans.
Let me tell you a story. It begins in Mark 1. Jesus is on the scene. He was baptized by his cousin John and the Spirit led him into the dessert to be tempted for 40 days. Afterwards, he would begin his ministry. He called his disciples Simon, Andrew, James and John and enters the town of Capernaum like a wrecking ball! Demons are cast out (On the Sabbath). People are amazed and wondering who is the heck is this man? His fame spread like wildfire. Simon, one of Jesus' disciples, had a sick mother-in-law. Jesus came, took her by the hand, the fever left her like boom, and then she gets up and served them a meal! That evening, people who were sick or demon possessed lined up at the door to be healed, and many were!
Now pause...At this point, I would be walking through the crowd and categorizing people based on their needs. I would bring out refreshments so that no one leaves. I am encouraging those who may have to wait longer. How can we bring healing to the most amount of people in the shortest amount of time? I'm thinking that soon everyone from everywhere would be traveling to meet this Jesus!
But, the story continues in Mark 1:35. "While it was still night, way before dawn, he (Jesus) got up and went out to a secluded spot and prayed. Simon and those with him went looking for him. They found him and said, "Everybody's looking for you." Jesus said, "Lets go to the rest of the villages so I can preach there also. This is why I've come." (Mark 1:35-38 MSG). In the New King James Bible version, verse 38 says "For this purpose I have come forth." He totally dismisses the hurried request of his disciples. "Jesus, everyone is looking for you." But, Jesus says lets leave this place?
If I was one of Jesus' disciples, I could hear myself saying, "WAIT! We aren't done here. People are looking for you! They will be disappointed. They will feel left out. We can't check this town off our list until we are done. And Jesus, I'm not sure if you noticed all the people out there, but we are not even close to being done. No, no Jesus, sit down, I'll get you some coffee with the foamy froth and we will get started again." I would bet that some of Jesus' disciples may have felt this way too. But, this is what happens when Jesus enters your world. Your lists, although well intentioned, become insignificant. Your beautiful, well planned, to do list, gets wet and the ink smears all the way down. You can't bear to stare at it all month so you absolutely must rewrite it. This time, with a different pen altogether.

I'm never going to stop writing to-do lists. It is in my blood. I come from a long line of list makers. Lists aren't a bad thing, they are awesome! But, my encouragement to you is to invite Jesus into your plans today. Before you begin to list all the things that you must do, ask him these two questions so that you don't miss his miracles for you today.
What do you have for me today Lord?
What do you want from me today God?
Can we pray together sweet friend?
Dear Heavenly Father, I am so grateful for this day you have given to me. Help me to slow down long enough to hear the birds chirp and notice the way the water ripples. Lord, help me to fight the belief that this is just another ordinary day. This day is Holy because you made it and it has never been lived in before. God show me the gifts that you have for me today. Open my eyes so that I don't miss them. Lord God, I lay my heavy to-do list down at your feet so that you would help me rewrite it. You tell me what you want from me today and I will do those things. Everything I am is yours, my time and my energy are renewed by you and through you. Today, I want to give it back for your glory. Thank you God for hearing me and choosing me as your daughter. Amen.
Love you my friends,