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I See You. You Are Loved.

Writer's picture: Jessica GaugerJessica Gauger

“The Lord your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” -Zephaniah 3:17

To the mom who is bone tired at the end of a long day. The feeling of relief when the oldest is tucked in. A sigh, a smile, and then... the kitchen. Tackle the kitchen she must.

I see you, I am you.

To the one who looks at the clock, knowing she has zero left to give, but knows her marathon isn't quite over. She checks her heart, says a breath prayer. "God help me not to wish moments away. I see their preciousness, I know their brevity, and I am tired."

I see you, I am you.

To the beautiful women who lost their cool today. The way we all do in different ways. You felt the warning signs but it came anyway, like a blow to the gut and the heart. Why does this happen over and over again?

I see you, I am you.

To the broken and wanting. The princess whose yet to meet her prince, but waits with humble hands open. Craving a promised love that has yet to arrive.

I see you, I love you.

To the barren. The emptied and hopeless. The desire you have is beautiful and I pray God fills you in ways only a Holy God can. She aches yet is resilient. She smiles and celebrates with those around her bringing new life to earth. The tears come, they are hot and they sting.

I see you friend, I love you.

To the rejoicing. The one who can smile at her flaws of the day and know they are light in comparison. The one who allows the dance party with her toddlers to shine light on the loads of piled up laundry, instead of the other way around.

I see you. I am you some days.

To the one who lives free. Taking the day as it comes. Allowing the fridge to empty and the chores to pile up. To choose life lived instead of lived-in life.

I see you. I envy you and want to learn from you.

To the hard working stay-at-home mom. Who never gets a moment to herself. The one who sees time based on naps and feedings. The one who hasn't had a moment to wash her hair, and if she did, she wouldn't remember to wash it.

I see you, I am in awe of you.

To the hard working working-momma. The one who tirelessly works both at home and away from home to support her family. The one who prays on her drives home for enough endurance to love her babies and husband well. The one who pulls her laptop back out at 8pm to lessen the anxiety of her tomorrow's to-do list.

I see you, I am empowered by you.

To you. The one brave enough to steal a second to refuel your heart today. You are more seen than you could dare to believe. Chosen and chased after when you were far away. Maybe you still are quite far. But, He sees you and He is running. Toward you he strives, with his whispers and his shouts of unabandoned love for exactly who He created you to be.


To you. To the eyes reading these words. You are more loved than you could ever imagine. Loved fearlessly and recklessly. Loved in a way that would embarrass most. A fools type of love that is anything but foolish because you, daughter, ohhh you are worth it. You. With all of your flaws and the things you tuck away in the secret places. You are so wildly loved.


& to me. Me who couldn't finish cutting a handful of peppers from the garden without 20+ interruptions and tantrums. Me, who forgets to return phone calls and cannot remember to schedule her kids pediatrician appointment for the life of her. Me, who successfully folded a load of laundry amongst a toddler created obstacle course. & me who aims to cherish the little moments with the same people she reveals her ugliest self.

I needed to remember.

I am seen. I am loved.

Love always,


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