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  • Writer's pictureJessica Gauger

Chaos Uninvited

We all know the feeling. The joy and magic of the holiday season approaching mixed with angst, worry, budgeting and wrapping paper! The attempt to find the perfect gift fills our mind space and google searches. An attempt to create magical moments of picture worthy perfection under the tree overshadows the empty ache within. The emptiness that was meant to be fulfilled by the seasons "tidings of great joy", is left undone by the chaos of it all.

This year, join me in uninviting chaos. Join me in Advent. Walk with me in the most beautiful season of waiting for the perfect gift to arrive. The gift we are waiting for, yet it has already come, and is continuously breathing life into all of our moments, both unseen and "post worthy". The Savior King will be born! He will fill all of the gaping holes and shine joyous light in the ever creeping darkness that attempts to cover.

So lets breathe out the chaotic busy and replace it with true peace, The Prince of Peace, as we wait for our Savior.

What is Advent?

"The celebration of Advent is possible only to those who are troubled in soul, who know themselves to be poor and imperfect, and who look forward to something greater to come." ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Advent is an excited waiting in anticipation of Christ's return. But, at the same time that we look forward, we look back in celebration of Jesus's already arrival.

We look back at the way he left His throne to be born in a manger as a vulnerable child. We look back and we see the way He chose to live among us, with you, with me. We see the way He held us with the hands that we nailed to a tree. We look back and remember the way He gave His life so that we could walk in this freedom with Him. We aren't waiting for a Savior during Advent, the Savior has already come. He is here. Immanuel, God with us, is on the scene.

We light the candles one at a time and watch as the light flickers in the darkness. He has come, and our hope is found in His return. He will not leave us here, but walks with us until we are face to face. Advent is a time to reflect on all of the hurt and evil within the walls of our universe. It is a time to mourn the ways we have failed. It is a time to cry out to the Giver of Hope, Hope Himself, The Christ. He will wash away every tear, and heal every strand of suffering. He will come again, and this time, He will take us with Him. He hasn't given up on us even when we have lost hope in ourselves. He is the Mighty God El Roi, the God who sees me. He sees our suffering, our frailty, our wins, our losses, and He still chooses to love. And love always comes. And love is always worth the wait.

Preparing for Advent

Advent invites us to prepare our hearts once again for the gift of all gifts. In November, we reflected on counting gifts and renewing our awe as we count them once again. For the four weeks leading up to Christmas, we are invited to prepare our hearts for the greatest gift of all, the miracle of Immanuel, God with us.

Each week we will reflect on what Immanuel, God with us, God with you, truly means. We will receive with open hands the glory and wonder of Christ's birth and the promise of His return. We will aim to replace rush, worry, anxiety, and emptiness with the gifts that His miraculous birth brought; hope, peace, love, and joy.

So how do we prepare?

When we have company coming from out of town, my mind space begins to fixate on that visit. For weeks leading up to their arrival, I prepare a meal plan, activities, and even envision what the days will look like. I clean a little extra and my baseboards get their, once in a great moon attention. Our German Shepherd is usually freshly bathed and brushed with hopes of just a little less dog hair accompanying all of our guests outfits. I feel excited! I feel loved that they would travel to be with us. And, I am full of hope, pondering the memories that will be made.

My sisters, Christ is coming!

And He is coming to be with you. Spend time with you. Love on you! Only you know how you need to prepare for this love gift at your door.

Do these sentence starters spark anything? If so, sit and pray over them. Make a plan and go!

"To prepare for Christ with me (Immanuel),

"I need to prepare physically by..."

"I need to prepare emotionally by..."

"I need to prepare spiritually by..."

"I need to prepare financially by..."

"I need to reorder my schedule by..."

"I need to prepare my home by..."

Chaos Has to Leave

My friends, this season has the opportunity for many beautiful changes to occur as you receive His gifts of Advent. But, where there is peace, we can be sure that the enemy of our souls is waiting to remove it. Satan would love to preoccupy your mind with the chaos surrounding you. He will attempt to distract you with sales and shopping and New Years resolutions. He would love to remind you of the ways you've failed this year in order to halt your preparation for Immanuel.

We have to be on guard. We have to be ready and waiting. We cannot be shocked when the enemy does come to steal, kill, and destroy. Plant your feet on the rock of Christ. Steady your mind on His coming. And fill your spirit with a song of gratitude that He was born into this world so that He could be with you.


"Hear us, Shepherd of Israel,

you who lead Joseph like a flock.

You who sit enthroned between the cherubim,

shine forth before Ephraim, Benjamin and Manasseh.

Awaken your might;

come and save us.

Restore us, O God; make your face shine on us,

that we may be saved." Psalm 80:1-3

Jesus, when You were born, so was our hope. We commit this season to Advent, Your coming and our waiting for Your return. We rebuke busyness and the anxiety that it brings along with it. Lord this season is by You and for You. God we return our hearts to You, the giver of life and hope and joy. God help us to be a light of Your peace this season. Guide us in what you want to teach us this Advent. Quiet us so that You are louder and we truly can receive the gift of Immanuel, God with us, God with me. Amen.


I am so encouraged to walk in this Advent season with you.

Be free to receive His hope this week my friends,

Love Jessica

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